
Statistics and Modeling

iPoIDE home iPoIDE tutorialJSM 2007 Proceedings Paper 2010 article by Nolan and Temple LangGeneral Equilibrium DemoA problem-solving approach to data analysis for economics.Data Feminism
A compatible textbook.

Midwest Economics Association 2012 and 11th International Post Keynesian Conference:

Slides and a paper from a presentation featuring this project: mea12

UseR! 2010:

Thanks to the people who showed interest in this project at UseR 2010.

If you would like to contribute to the project or would like help setting up a working copy please email

Project Summary:

The main project currently is the Portable Integrated Development Environment (iPoIDE) which was distributed on DVD at JSM and UseR! 2007 and is again under development at James Madison University.

The DVD or USB Drive is a complete software environment built around a core of free software. It does not require re-booting or installation and it runs on all reasonably new computers. It is configured to facilitate best practices through all phases of the work of a statistician in the information age.

While the tools in this environment are standard tools in statistics and mathematical computing, this is the first (and still only as of Q1 2012) time these tools have been available as a collection configured in an integrated development environment which is portable and platform independent.

The DVD distributed at JSM 2007 and UseR! 2007 was a prototype:
Special Notes:
WindowsJSM Version Bugs/To Do list
All pages at this site © 2007, 2010, 2012 Panayotis Giannakouros and Lihua Chen